l. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Brooke, B.: Antigenic Activity of Regional Lymph Nodes in Crohn’s Disease. Lancet 2:856-857, 1965.
2. Meaney, T.F., Brown, C.H. Hermann, R.E., and Esselstyn, C.B.,Jr.: Angiographic Diagnosis of Carcinoma of the Cecum. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 34:34-4l, l967.
3. Hermann, R.E., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: The Potential Hazard of Pregnancy in Extrahepatic Portal Hypertension. Archives of Surgery 95:956-959, l967.
4. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Colostomy in the Abdominal Incision: A Note of Caution. USARV Medical Bulletin, l968.
5. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Humphries, A.W. Young, J.R., Beven, E.G., and DeWolfe, V.G.: Aneurysmectomy in the Aged? Surgery 67:34-39, l970.
6. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: The History of Hyperpara-thyroidism: The Third Phase. Urology Digest 9:l7-l9, November l970.
7. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Crile, G., Jr.: Hyperparathyroidism Epidemic or Endemic? Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 37:87-9l, l970.
8. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: In asymptomatic Hypercalcemia: “Explore the neck.” Surgical Advances 2:22, June l97l.
9. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.,and Popowniak, K.L.: Parathyroid Surgery in the Treatment of Osteodystrophy and Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism. Surgical Clinics of North America, 5l:l2ll, October l97l.
10. Alfidi, R., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Tarar, R., Klein, H., Hermann, R., Weakley, F., and Turnbull, R: Recognition and Angio-Surgical Detection of Arteriovenous Malformations of the Bowel. Annals of Surgery, l74:573, October l97l.
11. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Crile, G., Jr.: Indications for Surgical Therapy in Thyroid Disease. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine l:474, October l97l.
12. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Co-Editor: Cardiac and Renal Surgery. Surgical Clinics of North America 5l, October l97l.
13. Deodhar, S., Crile, G., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: A Study of Tumor-Cell Lymphocyte Interaction in Patients with Breast Cancer. Cancer 29: l32l, May l972.
14. Hait, G., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr. and Rankin, G.B.: Prepyloric Mucosal Diaphragm (Antral Web.) Archives of Surgery 105:486-490, September 1972.
15. Rekhi, B., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Mercer,
R., and Levy, I.: Retro-peritoneal Cystic Hygroma. Cleveland Clinic
Quarterly 39, Winter 1972.
16. Crile G., Jr., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Hermann, R.E., and Hoerr, S.O.: A Partial Mastectomy for Carcinoma of the Breast. Surgery Gynecology, & Obstetrics 136:929, June 1973.
17. Crile, G., Jr., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Hermann, R.E., and Hoerr, S.O.: A New Look at Biopsy of the Breast. American Journal of Surgery 126:117-119, July 1973.
18. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr. Selective Surgical Treatment of Breast Cancer. American College of Surgeons Breast Cancer Course, September 1973.
19. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Abdominal Aneurysmectomy: How Safe for the Elderly? Geriatrics 28:117-119, September 1973.
20. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: In Asymptomatic Hypercalcemia: Explore the Neck: Clinical Decisions 2:22-23, September l973
21. Alfidi, R.J., Hunter, T., Hawk, W.A., Winkelman, E.I., and Esselstyn,, C.B., Jr.: Corrosion Casts of Arteriovenous Malformations. Archives of Surgery 96:196-197. September 1973.
22. Danzi, J.T., Farmer, R.G., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Recurrent Pancreatitis Associated with Normocalcemia, Parathyroid Hyperplasia, and Increased Serum Parathormone. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 41:39-43, Spring 1974.
23. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Levin, H.S., Eversman, J.J., Schumacher, O.P., and Skillern, P.G.: Reappraisal of Parathyroid Pathology in Hyperparathyroidism. Surgical Clinics of North America 54:443-447, April 1974.
24. Popowniak, K.L. and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Progress Report on Parathyroidectomy for the Treatment of Renal Osteodystrophy and Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism. Surgical Clinics of North America 54:325-338, April 1974.
25. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: The Parathyroid Blush in the Identification of Parathyroid Glands. American Journal of Surgery 127:622, May 1974.
26. Sivak, M.V., Jr., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Owens, F.J.: Intra-operative Upper Gastrointestinal Endocsopy and Biopsy. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 41:67-70, Summer 1974.
27. Levin, H.S., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Hyperparathyroidism: A Contemporary Study. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 63: 603, April l975.
28. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Levin, H.S.: A Technique of Parathyroid Surgery. Surgical Clinics of North America 55:1047-1063, October 1975.
29. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: A Technique for Partial Mastectomy. Surgical Clinics of North America 55:1065-107l, October 1975.
30. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: A Technique for Thyroidectomy. Surgical Clinics of North America 55, October 1975.
31. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Co-Editor, Surgical Techniques. Surgical Clinics of North America 55, October 1975.
32. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Thyroid Nodules and Cancer. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 42:157-161, Summer 1975.
33. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Selective Surgical Treatment of Breast Cancer. AORN Journal 22:730, November 1975.
34. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: What is a Radical Mastectomy? Surgery, 4 Gynecology, & Obstetrics l4l:9l9, December l975.
35. Sivak, M.V., Jr., Farmer, R.C., Sullivan, B.H, and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Endoscopic Electrosurgical Choledocholithotomy: Report of a Case. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 22:97- 99, l975.
36. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Hermann, R.E., Crile, G., Jr., Cooperman, A.M., and Hoerr, S.O.: The Results of Selective Conservative Treatment in Breast Cancer – A Five to Ten Year Follow-up. Bull. Soc. Int. Chir. 34:513, 1975.
37. Cooperman, A.M., Cook, S., Hermann, R.E., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Preoperative Localization of Occult Breast Lesions. Surgery, Gynecology, & Obstetrics 42:917-919, 1976.
38. Hall, M.D., Hartwell, S.W., Jr., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy for Cancer. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 57:152, 1976.
39. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: The Results of Selective Conservative Treatment in Breast Cancer. Creighton University School of Medicine Postgraduate Course in Surgery Syllabus, May 1976.
40. Weiskopf, J., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Carcinoma of the Gallbladder – A Twenty-Five Year Review. American Journal of Gastroenterology 65:522, June 1976.
41. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Discussion of “Recurrent Hyperparathyroidism” by Clark, O.H. et al, Annals of Surgery 184:401, October 1976.
42. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Discussion of “Hypercalcemia in Patients with Known Malignant Disease” by Samaan, N.A., et al, Surgery 80:388, September 1976.
43. Esselstyn, C.B. Jr.: Surgical Management of Actively Bleeding Duodenal Ulcer. Surgical Clinics of North America 56:1387-1393, December 1976.
44. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Indications for Thyroidectomy. Surgical Techniques Illustrated 2:51, Winter 1977.
45. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Total Thyroid Lobectomy. Surgical Techniques Illustrated 2:71, Winter 1977.
46. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Hermann, R.E., Crile, G., Jr., Cooperman, A.M., and Hoerr, S.O.: “The Results of Selective Conservative Treatment in Breast Cancer – A Five to Ten Year Follow-up.” Proceedings of the International Society of Surgery, Edenburgh, 1977.
47. Crile, G., Jr., Cook, S., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Computed Tomography as an Adjunct to Mammography. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 44:141, Fall 1977.
48. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Parathyroid Pathology: Its Relation to Choice of Operation. World Journal of Surgery 1:701, 1977.
49. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Discussion, “Conservative Versus Liberal Approach to Parathyroid Neck Exploration,” by Edis, A., et al, Surgery 82:472, October 1977.
50. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Discussion, “A Prospective Study of Combined Ultrasonography and Needle Aspiration Biopsy in the Assessment of the Hypofunctioning Thyroid Nodule,” by Walfish, P., et al, Surgery 82:480, October 1977.
51. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Discussion, “Radiation-associated Hyperparathyroidism: A New Syndrome?” by Prinz, R., et al, Surgery 82:301, September 1977.
52. Hermann, R.E., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Crile, G., Jr.: Conservative Surgical Treatment of Potentially Curable Breast Cancer. The Breast 219, 1978.
53. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Individualization in Pancreatic Biopsy. Surg. Pancr., Text and Atlas 85, 1978.
54. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Crile, G., Jr.: Needle Aspiration and Needle Biopsy of the Thyroid. World Journal of Surgery 2:321, 1978.
55. Cooperman, A.M., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Breast Cancer: An Overview. Surgical Clinics of North America 58-659, August 1978.
56. Cooperman, A.M., Blanchard, J.M., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Partial Mastectomy. Surgical Clinics of North America 58:737, August 1978.
57. Cooperman, A.M., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Editor, Surgical Clinics of North America 58, August 1978.
58. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: “Cancer of the Gallbladder,” Chapter in Manual of Surgery of the Gallbladder, Bile Duct, and Exocrine Pancreas. Hermann, R.E. 82, 1979.
59. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Parathyroid Surgery: How Many Glands Should be Excised? Is There Still a Controversy? Surgical Clinics of North America, in press, 1979.
60. Grundfest, S., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Ferguson, D.R.: Use of the Henley Loop for Postvagotomy Diarrhea. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 46:13, 1979.
61. Cooperman, A.M., Houshang, M., Hoerr, S.O., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Crile, G., Jr., and Hermann, R.E.: Carcinoma of the Ampulla of Vater: Does the Operation Influence the End Result? Frontiers of Gastrointestinal Research 5:178, 1979.
62. Watts, J.C., Sebek, B.A., McHenry, M.C., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Idiopathic Infarction of Intra- abdominal Lymph Nodes: A Cause of Fever of Unknown Origin. Human Pathology, American Journal of Clinical Pathology 74:687, 1980.
63. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Interview for McCall’s Magazine, “Right Now – New Choices for Women with Breast Cancer”, October 1979.
64. Crile, G., Jr., Cooperman, A.M., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Hermann, R.E.: “Results of Partial Mastectomy in 173 Patients Observed During a Five to Ten Year Period.” Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics 150:563, April 1980.
65. Siminovitch, J., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Straffon, R.: “Renal Lithiasis and hyperparathyroidism: Diagnosis, Management, and Prognosis.” Journal of Urology, in press, March 1981.
66. Grundfest, S., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Ferguson, D.R.: Use of the Henley Loop for Postvagotomy Diarrhea.” Current Medical Digest, 1979.
67. Crile, G., Jr., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Hawk, W.: “Needle Biopsy and the Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules Appearing After Radiation.” New England Journal of Medicine 301:997, November 18, 1979.
68. Crile, G., Jr., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Cook, S.: “Cancer of the Thyroid Appearing After (but probably not caused by) Treatment with Radioactive Iodine.” Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 46:159-162, 1979.
69. Crile, G., Jr., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Hawk, W.: Responsive Commentary to “Letters to the Editor” by Schneider, Favers, and Frohman; Khandekar and Scanlon; Clark. New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 302, No. 20, May 15, 1980.
70. Michael, K.: Rx: Hope. Technique Replaces Radical Breast Surgery. Interview with C.B. Esselstyn, Jr., for Akron Beacon Journal, May 18, 1980.
71. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: “Total & Subtotal Thyroidectomy.” Chapter in Mastery of Surgery; Nyhus, L., Baker, R., et al, Little, Brown and Co., 1984.
72. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Aspiration Biopsy Cytology in Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer: by Lowhagen, T., et al. Invited commentary. World Journal of Surgery, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1981.
73. Al-Jurf, A., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., and Crile, G., Jr.: Thyroid Lesions. July 1979.
74. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Schumacher, O.P., Eversman, J., Sheeler, L., and Levy, W.: Hyperparathyroidism Following RAI Therapy for Graves Disease. Surgery, Vol. 92, 811-813, November 1982.
75. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Buonocore, E., Chilcote, W.: Radiologic Detection of Parathyroid Adenoma. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 49:270-273, 1982.
76. Hermann, R.E., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Partial Mastectomy for Carcinoma of the Breast. Chapter in Operative Surgery, Rob and Smith (editors). Butterworth & Co., London, 1982.
77. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Alternatives to Mastectomy – Selecting the Options. Chapter in Conservative Management of Breast Cancer; Harris, Hellman, Silen (eds), J.B. Lippincott Co., USA, 1983.
78. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Individualizing the Extent of Surgery for Thyroid Cancer – A Reappraisal. Chapter in Endocrine Surgery Up-Date, Thompson, Vinik (eds), Grune- Stratton, Inc., PP. 67-70, 1983.
79. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Crile, G., Jr.: Evaluation of Various Types of Needle Biopsies of the Thyroid. World Journal of Surgery, Vol. 8, No. 4, 452-457, 1984.
80. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Radioactive Iodine: The Treatment of Choice for Graves Disease. Chapter in Endocrine Surgery Up-Date, Thompson, Vinik (eds), Grune-Stratton, Inc., pp. 39- 41, 1983.
81. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Buonocore, E.: The Use of Digital Subtraction Angiography and CT Scanning in Localizing Parathyroid Adenomas in Secondary Parathyroid Operations: Preliminary Observations. Surgery, p. 869, C.V. Mosby, December 1983.
82. Cunningham, J., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Sheeler, L., Bukowski R.: Successful Combination Chemotherapy of Metastatic Parathyroid Carcinoma. Archives of Internal Medicine, 144:399-400, February 1984.
83. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Surgical Therapy of Thyroid Disease. Drug Therapy 9(1):36-42, January 1984.
84. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Why Surgery is no Longer the Preferred Treatment of Graves’ Disease. Surgical Rounds, pp. 66-70, January 1984.
85. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr. Surgery of Parathyroid Disease. Common Surgical Problems – The Surgical Practice of the Cleveland Clinic, edited by Robert E. Hermann, M.D., Year Book Medicine Publishers, Inc., 1985.
86. Crile, G., Jr., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Diseases of the Thyroid. Common Surgical Problems – The Surgical Practice of the Cleveland Clinic, edited by Robert E. Hermann, M.D., Year Book Medicine Publishers, Inc., 1985.
87. Grundfest-Broniatowski, S., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Breast Disease. The Surgical Practice of the Cleveland Clinic, edited by Robert E. Hermann, M.D., Year Book Publishers, Inc., 1985.
88. Hermann, R.E., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Crile, G., Jr., Cooperman, A.M., Antunez, A.R., Hoerr, S.O.: Long-term Follow-up Results of Conservative Operations for Breast Cancer. Der Chirurg, 55:193-199, 1984.
89. Tarazi, R., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Kuivila, T., Hardesty, I.: Early Hospital Discharge Following Mastectomy. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly, 51:4, pp 579-584, Winter 1984.
90. Tarazi, R., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Coccia, M.R.: Parathyroidectomy for Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Early discharge. Surgery, Vol. 96, No. 6, pp 1158-1161, December 1984.
91. Crile, G., Jr., Antunez, A.R., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Hawk, W.A., Skillern, P.G.: The Advantages of Subtotal Thyroidectomy and Suppression of TSH in the Primary Treatment of Papillary Carcinoma of the Thyroid. Cancer Vol. 55, No. 11, June 1985.
92. Hermann, R.E., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Cooperman, A.M., Crile, G.,Jr.: Partial Mastectomy without Radiation Therapy. Chapter in The Surgical Clinics of North America, Cooperman and Hermann, (Guest Editors) W. B. Saunders Co., Vol. 64, No.4, December 1984.
93. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Collected Letters: Extent of Surgery for Papillary Adenocarcinoma. Correspondence Society of Surgeons 9(7):7-8, July 1984.
94. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Crile, G., Jr.: Surgery of the Thyroid, 1984. Common Surgical Problems — The Surgical Practice of the Cleveland Clinic, edited by Robert E. Hermann, M.D., Year Book Medicine Publishers, Inc., 1985.
95. Thatcher, B.S., Sivak, M.V., Jr., Hermann, R.E., Esselstyn, C.B.,Jr.: ERCP in Evaluation and Diagnosis of Choledochal Cyst: Report of Five Cases and A Review of the Literature. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 32(1):27-31, 1986.
96. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Reducing Length of Stay Lowers Mastectomy Costs. Consult, Vol. IV, No. 1, Fall 1984.
97. Tarazi, R., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Coccia, M.R.: Parathyroidectomy for Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Early Discharge. Surgery, Vol. 96, No. 8, pp 1158-1162, December 1984.
98. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Early Discharge Program After Mastectomy Gets Good Results. Article written by Jean McCann quoting Dr. Esselstyn in Oncology Times, Vol. VI, No. 9, Sept. 1984.
99. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Going Home Early, Challenge, Fall/Winter 1984.
100. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Revolutionary Program Announced here, mastectomy patients stay only 24 hours. Innerpulse, Vol. IV, No. 9, August 1984.
101. Crile, G., Jr., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Bauer, T.W.: Factors Influencing Local Recurrence After Partial Mastectomy. Submitted 1985.
102. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Our Conservative Approach to Breast Cancer Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Innovations in Surgery, Vol. 2, p. 5 Jan/Feb 1985.
103. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Surgery Unnecessary for Grave’s Disease. Consult, Vol. 5, No. 1, Fall 1985.
104. Hermann, R.E., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Crile, G., Jr., Cooperman, A.M., Antunez, A.R., Hoerr, S.O.: Results of Conservative Operations for Breast Cancer. Archives of Surgery 120:746- 751, June 1985.
105. Broughan, T., Jaroch, M., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Parathyroid Hormone Assay: Unreliable and Overused. Archives of Surgery 121:841-842, 1986.
106. Lash, R.H., Bauer, T.W., Hermann, R.E., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Crile, G., Jr.: Partial Mastectomy: Pathology and Prognosis. Human Pathology Vol. 17, No. 8, August 1986, pp 8l3-822.
107. Broughan, T.A., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Large Needle Thyroid Biopsy: Still Necessary. Surgery 100:1138-1141, 1986.
108. Tarazi, R.Y., Hermann, R.E., Vogt, D.P., Hoerr, S.O., Esselstyn,C.B., Jr., Cooperman, A.M., Steiger, E., Grundfest, S.: Results of Surgical Treatment of Periampullary Tumors: A 34-Year Experience. Surgery 100(4):716-722, October 1986.
109. Broughan, T.A., O’Donnell, J.K., Kropilak, M., Esselstyn, C.B.,Jr.: Use of Thallium- Technetium Parathyroid Scans. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 179- 183, May/June 1987.
110. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: A Clinical Approach to the Initial Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules. Modern Medicine, Vol. 55, No. 10, pp. 48-54, October 1987.
111. Grundfest-Broniatowski, S. and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Controversies in Breast Disease – Diagnosis and Management. Marcel Dekker, New York, New York, 536 pages, l988.
112. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Biopsy Techniques in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: Chapter in Controversies in Breast Disease: Diagnosis and Management. Sharon Grundfest-Broniatowski and Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. (eds) Marcel Dekker, New York, New York, pp. 215-217, 1988.
113. Hermann, R.E., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., Grundfest-Broniatowski, S.: The Treatment of “Curable” Breast Cancer-The Cleveland Clinic Experience. Chapter in Controversies in Breast Disease: Diagnosis and Management. Sharon Grundfest-Broniatowski and Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. (eds) Marcel Dekker, New York, New York, pp. 287-306, l988.
114. Esselstyn, C.B., Jr., M.D.: Graves’ Disease – Treatment: Chapter in Common Problems in Endocrine Surgery. (ed) van Heerden, J.A.: Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, IL., pp. 30-32, l988.
115. Schwaegerle, S.M., Bauer, T.W., and Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Riedel’s Thyroiditis. Am Jrnl of Cl Path l988 Dec; 90(6): 7l5-22
116. Gerken, K., Nunez, C., Broughan, T., Esselstyn, C.B. Jr., and Sebek, B.: (Abstract) Clinical Outcome of Hurthle Cell Tumors of the Thyroid. Am Jrnl of Cl Path l988 Oct; 498.
117. Gerken, K., Nunez, C., Broughan, T., Esselstyn, C.B. Jr., and Sebek, B.: (Poster Presentation) – Clinical Outcome of Hurthle Cell Tumors of the Thyroid. Cleveland Clinic Eighth Annual Research Day l988 Sept.
118. Sesto, M, Hall, R.M., Esselstyn, C.B. Jr., Hardesty, I. (Poster Presentation) Early Hospital Discharge Following Mastectomy. The American College of Surgeons, Scientific Exhibition, Clinical Congress. Meeting in Chicago, Ill., October 23-28, l988.
119. Grundfest-Broniatowski, S., Hermann, R.E., Esselstyn, C.B., Jr.: Conservative Surgery for Carcinoma of the Breast – The Cleveland Clinic Experience: Chapter in Breast Cancer – Conservative and Reconstructive Surgery, (Ed.) Bohmert, H.H., Leis, H.P. Jr., and Jackson, I.T.: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York, New York, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart; pp 84-90, l989.
120. Grundfest-Broniatowski S, Hermann RE, Esselstyn CB Jr.: Brusterhaltende Chirurgie: Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse der Cleveland-Universitatsklinik. In Brustkrebs: Organerhaltung und Rekonstruktion. (Ed.) H. Bohmert. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart &
New York, pp 96-l03, l989.
121. Broughan TA, Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Indications For and Techniques of Limited Breast Surgery. In Current Treatment of Cancer: Breast Cancer. pp 161-167, l989.
122. Broughan TA, Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Diagnosing the Thyroid Nodule – Cancer or Benign Lesion? In Primary Care & Cancer, pp 37-39, September l989.
123. Sesto ME, Hall RM, Esselstyn CB, Jr., Hardesty IJ.: Early Hospital Discharge Following Mastectomy: 239 Consecutive Patients Over Three Years. In Contemporary Surgery, Vol 35, pp 38-40, l989.
124. Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Graves Disease – Treatment. In Common Problems in Endocrine Surgery. (Ed.) JA van Heerden. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago, pp 30-32, l989.
125. Hakaim AG, Ashley J, Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Parathyroid Carcinoma: Diagnosis, Treatment and Long Term Results. The Society of Head and Neck Surgeons l989 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, May 2l-24, l989.
126. Page SS, Esselstyn CB, Jr. Parathyroid Surgery with 24 Hour Hospitalization. 33rd World Congress of Surgery – International Surgical Week, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 10-16, l989.
127. Sesto ME, Hall RM, Esselstyn CB, Jr., Hardesty IJ: Early Hospital Discharge Following Mastectomy: 239 Consecutive Patients Over Three Years. Free Paper Sessions, 33rd World Congress of Surgery – International Surgical Week, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 10- 16, l989.
128. Early Hospital Discharge Following Mastectomy: 239 Consecutive Patients Over Three Years. Sesto ME, Hall RM, Esselstyn CB, Jr., Hardesty, IJ. American Association for Cancer Education, Denver, CO, October 7, l989.
129. Parathyroid Surgery with 24 hour Hospitalization – Page S, Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Poster Presentation – 33rd World Congress of Surgery – International Surgical Week, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. September l0-l6, l989.
130. Saadeh G, Licata A, Esselstyn CB, Jr., Gupta M: Relationship of Parathyroid Adenoma Volume and Biochemical Function. Journal of Hormone Research (Basel), 1989 (1990); 32(4): 142-4.
131. Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Summary of Outpatient Surgery Panel as Moderator of a Luncheon Panel – 33rd World Congress of Surgery – International Surgical Week – Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September l4, l989. In State of the Art of Surgery l989/90 (6th edition). pp. l3-l5, l990.
132. Crile, G, Jr., Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Factors Influencing Local Recurrence of Cancer after Partial Mastectomy. In Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March-April 1990; 57(2): l43-146.
133. Budd GT, Hardesty I, Boyett J, Bauer L. Hermann RE, Grundfest S, Chung R, Raaf J, Steiger E, Murthy S, Weidner L, Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Phase I trial of perioperative cyclophosphamide in operable breast cancer. 6th International Conference on The Adjuvant Therapy of Cancer, March 7-l0, l990, Conference Abstract Booklet.
134. Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Eat Less Fat, Cut Cancer Risk. (Cleveland Clinic Consults article in Akron Beacon Journal, July 24, l990.
135. Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Expert commentary on McDermott MT. Outpatient Approach to the Solitary Thyroid Nodule. In Modern Medicine 1991 Feb; 59:3.
136. Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Presidential Address – “Beyond Surgery” – Presented at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons, San Jose, California, April l4-l6, 1991.SURGERY Dec 1991;110(6):923-927.
137. Grundfest-Broniatowski S, Hardesty I, May N, Dowden R, Yetman R, Lucas A, Hermann RE, Esselstyn CB, Jr. Early discharge after breast cancer surgery.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 1991;19:189.
138. Broughan TA, Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Lobectomy and subtotal thyroidectomy. Chapter in Mastery of Surgery (Second Edition), Vol. I. (ed) Nyhus LM, Baker R. Little, Brown and Company (Boston), 1992, pp 198-203.
139. Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Paragraph in The Silent Passage – Menopause. Sheehy, Gail (author). Random House, Inc., New York, l992, p.l20.
140. Hermann RE, Grundfest-Broniatowski S, Esselstyn CB Jr.: Breast-Conserving Surgery: How Much Is Enough? Seminars in Surgical Oncology. l992 May-June;8(3):l36-l39.
Mulligan DC, Kinney W, McHenry CR, Esselstyn CB Jr.
-Amiodarone Induced Thyrotoxicosis: Clinical Presentation and Expanded Indications for Thyroidectomy. Submitted to American Association of Endocrine Surgeons for Annual Meeting, April 25-28, 1993, Williamsburg, VA.
Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Chen EQ, Go RT.
-Simultaneous I-123/T1-201 SPECT Detection of Parathyroid Adenomas In Recurrent Post- Operative Hyperparathyroidism. Submitted to American Roentgen Ray Society for Annual Meeting April 25-30, 1993, San Francisco, CA.
Budd GT, Hardesty I, Grundfest S, Tuason L, Hermann R, Steiger E, Murthy S, Raaf J, Esselstyn CB Jr., et al.
-Phase I Trial of Perioperative Cyclophosphamide (CTX) In Operable Breast Cancer. Submitted to ASCO for Annual Meeting May 16-18, 1993, Orlando, FL.
Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Chen EQ, Go RT.
-Simultaneous I-123/T1-201 SPECT Detection of Parathyroid Adenomas In Recurrent Post- Operative Hyperparathyroidism. Submitted to The Society of Nuclear Medicine 40th Annual Meeting June 8-11, 1993, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
141. Hakaim AG, Esselstyn CB, Jr.: Parathyroid Carcinoma: 50 year experience at The Cleveland Clinic
Foundation. Cleve Clinic J Med, Jul-Aug 1993, 60(4):331-5.
142. Mulligan DC, McHenry CR, Kinney W, Esselstyn CB Jr.: Amiodarone-Induced Thyrotoxicosis:
Clinical Presentation and Expanded Indications for Thyroidectomy. SURGERY December 1993;114(6):1114-1119.
143. Herman RE, Esselstyn CB Jr., Grundfest-Broniatowski S, et al. Partial Mastectomy Without Radiation is Adequate Treatment for Patients with Stages 0 and I Carcinoma of the Breast. Surgery, Gyn & Obstet Sept 1993;177(3):247-253.
144. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr.,
MacIntyre WJ, et al: Parathyroid Adenoma Localization by Regional Body PET Using (18F) FDG. J Comput Assist Tomogr Nov-Dec 1993;17(6)976-977,
145. Passaro ME, Broughan TA, Sebek BA, Esselstyn CB Jr.: Lactiferous Fistula. J Am Coll of Surg 1994 Jan;178(1):29-32.
146. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., MacIntyre WJ, Chen EQ, Go RT, Kohse LM, Licata AA. Primary hyperparathyroidism: preoperative parathyroid imaging with regional body FDG PET.
Radiology, 1994 Aug; 192(2):509-512.
147. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Eastwood J, Rice TW: Localization of mediastinal parathyroid adenoma in recurrent postoperative hyperparathyroidism with Tc-99m sestamibi SPECT. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 1995 Feb;20(2):175.
148. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Siciliano D, MacIntyre WJ, et al: Preoperative Imaging of Parathyroid Carcinoma by Positron Emission Tomography. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 1994 Sept;103(9):741-745.
149. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Kohse LM, Beham RA, Rice TW. Comparison of Double- Phase TC-99m Sestamibi SPECT with Simultaneous I-123/TC-99m Sestamibi Subtraction SPECT for Pre-op Localization of Hyperparathyroid Tissue. Radiology 1994;193:246.
150. Esselstyn CB Jr.: Seeing Fat as the Killer in Heart Disease: An Interview with Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn. Coronary Club Heartline from The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, October 1994; 24(10):1-6.
Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., MacIntyre WJ, Go RT, et al: Comparison of FDG PET and Double-Phase Sestamibi SPECT in the Preoperative Evaluation of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. J Nucl Med 1994;35:68P. Presented by Dr. Neumann at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Orlando, Florida, June 5-8, 1994.
Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Ellis SG, Pashkow FJ, Medendorp S, Crowe TD:
Strategies for Compliance to Achieve Arrest of Coronary Artery Disease in an Existing Clinical Setting. Clinic Poster Presentation at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR), October 6-9, 1994.
Esselstyn CB Jr., Ellis SG, Medendorp SV, Crowe TD: Strategies for Compliance to Achieve Arrest of Coronary Artery Disease in an Existing Clinical Setting. Submitted to ISS/SIC for the 36th World Congress of Surgery – International Surgical Week ISW 95, Lisbon, Portugal, August 27-September 2, 1995.
Esselstyn CB Jr., Ellis SG, Pashkow FJ, Medendorp SV, Crowe TD: Strategies for Compliance to Achieve Arrest of Coronary Artery Disease in an Existing Clinical Setting. Clinical Poster Presentation at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR), October 6-9, 1994.
Esselstyn CB Jr.,: Alternatives to Mastectomy – Film Festival Motion Picture Session at the 1994 Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons meeting in Chicago, Illinois, October 9-14, 1994.
151. Listed in Best Doctors in America 1994-1995. Woodward-White Inc. Publishers. Endocrine Surgery – page 156: Surgical Oncology – Breast Cancer – page 857.
152. Esselstyn CB Jr., Ellis SG, Medendorp SV, Crowe, TD. A strategy to arrest and reverse coronary artery disease: A 5- year longitudinal study of a single physician’s practice. J Fam Prac 1995 Dec;41(6):560-568.
153. Schover LR, Yetman RJ, Tuason LJ, Meisler E, Esselstyn CB Jr., Hermann RE, Grundfest- Broniatowski S, Dowden RV. Partial mastectomy and breast reconstruction. A comparison of their effects on psychosocial adjustment, body image, and sexuality. Cancer 1995 Jan 1;75(1): 54-64.
154. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Eastwood J, Rice TW. Localization of mediastinal parathyroid adenoma in recurrent postoperative hyperparathyroidism with Tc-99m Sestamibi SPECT. Cl Nuc Med 1995;20(2):175.
155. McHenry CR, Lee K, Saadey J, Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr. Parathyroid localization with technetium-99m-Sestamibi: A prospective evaluation. J Am Coll Surg 1996 Jul;183(1):25- 30.
156. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr, MacIntyre WJ, Go RT, Obuchowski NA, Chen EQ, Licata AA. Comparison of FDG-PET and Sestamibi-SPECT in primary hyperparathyroidism. J Nucl Med 1996 Nov;37(11):1809-1815.
157. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr, Kim EY. Recurrent postoperative parathyroid carcinoma: FDG- PET and sestamibi-SPECT findings. J Nucl Med 1996 Dec;37(12):2000-2001.
158. Esselstyn CB Jr. Gender-based mortality follow-up from the program on the surgical control of the hyperlipidemias (POSCH) and meta-analysis of lipid intervention trials – Women in POSCH and other lipid trials – Discussion. Ann Surg 1996 Oct;224(4):499.
159. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., MacIntyre WJ, Chen EQ, Go RT, Licata AA. Regional body FDG PET in postoperative recurrent hyperparathyroidism. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1997 Jan/Feb;21(1):25-28
160. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Kim EY, Go RT, Obuchowski NA, Rice TW. Preliminary experience with double-phase SPECT using Tc-99m Sestamibi in patients with hyperparathyroidism. Clin Nucl Med 1997 Apr;22(4):217-221.
161. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Go RT, Wong CO, Rice TW, Obuchowski NA. Comparison of double-phase 99m Tc-Sestamibi with 123 I-99m Tc-Sestamibi subtraction SPECT in hyperparathyroidism. AJR (Am J Roentgenol) 1997 Dec;169(6):1671-1674.
Esselstyn CB Jr., Diehl H, Demas A, Brickner
A. Primary prevention through marked cholesterol lowering community and physician based nutrition education intervention programs. Presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana on November 10, 1997.Gupta MK, Posch A, Esselstyn CB Jr., Heniford BT, Gagner M. The intraoperative PTH measurement by ICMA: A marker of biochemical adequacy of parathyroid adenoma resection.
To be presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the AACA in Chicago, Illinois on Thursday, August 6, 1998.
Crowe, JP, Esselstyn CB Jr., Grundfest S, Hermann RE, Levy LR, Smedira HJ, Steiger E, Halke DC, Patrick RJ. Resource Utilization in Breast Disease Management: Prospective Analysis of 28,609 Breast Center visits. Submitted by Dr. Crowe to Central Surgical Association for the 56th Annual Meeting, March 4-6, 1999, St. Louis, MO.
Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Madera A. Sestamibi/Iodine Subtraction SPECT in Reoperative Secondary Hyperparathyroidism. Presented by Dr. Neumann at the RSNA meeting in Chicago, Illinois on December 2, 1998.
162. Esselstyn CB Jr. (Guest Editor): A Symposium: Summit on Cholesterol and Coronary Disease. 2nd National Conference on Lipids in the Elimination and Prevention of Coronary Disease. Supplement based on a symposium held on September 4-5, 1997 in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. CME Issue sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. The Am. J of Cardiology 1998 November 26;82(10B):1T-94T.
163. Esselstyn CB Jr. Foreword: Changing the Treatment Paradigm for Coronary Artery Disease. The Am J of Cardiology 1998 November 26;82(10B):1T-4T.
164. Esselstyn CB Jr. Introduction: More Than Coronary Artery Disease. The Am J of Cardiology 1998 November 26;82(10B):5T-9T.
165. Neumann DR, Esselstyn CB Jr., Madera A, Wong CO, Lieber M. Parathyroid Detection in Secondary Hyperparathyroidism with 123I/99m Tc-Sestamibi Subtraction Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998;83:3867-3871.
166. Esselstyn CB Jr. Updating a 12-year Experience with Arrest and Reversal Therapy for Coronary Heart Disease (An Overdue Requiem for Palliative Cardiology). Am J of Cardiology 1999 August 1;84:339-341.